Wayzata Results Inc. - Contractor License                                5/13/2017 - 4:58 PM
                        2017 IIAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships                        
                      Buena Vista University  - 5/11/2017 to 5/13/2017                       
Event 23  Women 4x400 Meter Relay
 Started on the Wrong marks - 1st Runner Ran Long                                            
    All-Time: A 3:38.85  2012        Wartburg, Wartburg                                      
                         F Burt, S Morrison, K Kregel, N Morrison                            
Championship: C 3:45.30  5/10/2014   Wartburg, Wartburg                                      
                         T McAllister, K Adkins, K Kregel, L Schubert                        
     Stadium: S 3:51.18  2010        Wartburg, Wartburg                                      
                         K Kregel, B Melloy, C Marchik, J Ganshirt                           
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                                   
  1 Buena Vista                                       4:07.68    4:07.89    2                
     1) Madison Spear SR                2) Shania Wunschel JR                                
     3) Jessica Igarashi SO             4) Mallory Spear SR                                  
   2:05.490 (2:05.490)     3:10.279 (1:04.789)       4:07.889 (57.611)                       
  2 Dubuque                                           4:16.11    4:09.46    1                
     1) Alison Beeman FR                2) Fabiola Ortiz SR                                  
     3) Jamie Draeger SO                4) Katrina Pagel JR                                  
   2:01.727 (2:01.727)     3:05.009 (1:03.282)     4:09.454 (1:04.446)                       
  3 Simpson (Iowa)                                    4:13.15    4:12.01                     
     1) Elizabeth Burgus JR             2) Katie Clark JR                                    
     3) Keeghan Corcoran JR             4) Audrey Klein SO                                   
   2:03.943 (2:03.943)     3:07.777 (1:03.834)     4:12.007 (1:04.230)                       
Section  2                                                                                   
  1 Nebraska Wesleyan                                 3:45.73    3:44.95C  10                
     1) Elizabeth Jones SO              2) Abigail Hunke SR                                  
     3) Kaylee Jones SO                 4) Katie Krick SR                                    
   1:53.503 (1:53.503)       2:48.555 (55.052)       3:44.942 (56.387)                       
  2 Wartburg                                          3:52.08    3:51.45    8                
     1) Dailen Folkedahl JR             2) Belle Tyynismaa FR                                
     3) Teylor Jones SO                 4) Betsy Duehr JR                                    
   1:56.482 (1:56.482)       2:54.044 (57.562)       3:51.449 (57.406)                       
  3 Loras                                             3:55.04    3:52.64    6                
     1) Alexis Alt FR                   2) Alyssa Simon JR                                   
     3) Allie Serres SO                 4) Alexis Hanson SR                                  
   1:56.763 (1:56.763)       2:55.268 (58.506)       3:52.633 (57.365)                       
  4 Luther                                            4:04.55    4:00.15    5                
     1) Delaney Schurer JR              2) Taylor Schuring FR                                
     3) Shannon Baker FR                4) Marta Springer SO                                 
   2:01.152 (2:01.152)     3:02.503 (1:01.352)       4:00.146 (57.643)                       
  5 Central College                                   4:03.68    4:02.01    4                
     1) Kate Patton JR                  2) Lynzie Miller SO                                  
     3) Brianna Carlson FR              4) Hope Heitman SO                                   
   2:03.895 (2:03.895)     3:04.193 (1:00.298)       4:02.009 (57.816)                       
  6 Coe                                               4:03.65    4:02.17    3                
     1) Amanda Brummet SR               2) Carlyn Cole FR                                    
     3) Josephine Bautch FR             4) Kyna Smith FR                                     
   1:58.193 (1:58.193)     3:00.993 (1:02.800)     4:02.161 (1:01.168)                       
 Started on the Wrong marks - 1st Runner Ran Long                                            
    All-Time: A 3:38.85  2012        Wartburg, Wartburg                                      
                         F Burt, S Morrison, K Kregel, N Morrison                            
Championship: C 3:45.30  5/10/2014   Wartburg, Wartburg                                      
                         T McAllister, K Adkins, K Kregel, L Schubert                        
     Stadium: S 3:51.18  2010        Wartburg, Wartburg                                      
                         K Kregel, B Melloy, C Marchik, J Ganshirt                           
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Nebraska Wesleyan                                 3:45.73    3:44.95C  2  10             
     1) Elizabeth Jones SO              2) Abigail Hunke SR                                  
     3) Kaylee Jones SO                 4) Katie Krick SR                                    
   1:53.503 (1:53.503)       2:48.555 (55.052)       3:44.942 (56.387)                       
  2 Wartburg                                          3:52.08    3:51.45   2   8             
     1) Dailen Folkedahl JR             2) Belle Tyynismaa FR                                
     3) Teylor Jones SO                 4) Betsy Duehr JR                                    
   1:56.482 (1:56.482)       2:54.044 (57.562)       3:51.449 (57.406)                       
  3 Loras                                             3:55.04    3:52.64   2   6             
     1) Alexis Alt FR                   2) Alyssa Simon JR                                   
     3) Allie Serres SO                 4) Alexis Hanson SR                                  
   1:56.763 (1:56.763)       2:55.268 (58.506)       3:52.633 (57.365)                       
  4 Luther                                            4:04.55    4:00.15   2   5             
     1) Delaney Schurer JR              2) Taylor Schuring FR                                
     3) Shannon Baker FR                4) Marta Springer SO                                 
   2:01.152 (2:01.152)     3:02.503 (1:01.352)       4:00.146 (57.643)                       
  5 Central College                                   4:03.68    4:02.01   2   4             
     1) Kate Patton JR                  2) Lynzie Miller SO                                  
     3) Brianna Carlson FR              4) Hope Heitman SO                                   
   2:03.895 (2:03.895)     3:04.193 (1:00.298)       4:02.009 (57.816)                       
  6 Coe                                               4:03.65    4:02.17   2   3             
     1) Amanda Brummet SR               2) Carlyn Cole FR                                    
     3) Josephine Bautch FR             4) Kyna Smith FR                                     
   1:58.193 (1:58.193)     3:00.993 (1:02.800)     4:02.161 (1:01.168)                       
  7 Buena Vista                                       4:07.68    4:07.89   1   2             
     1) Madison Spear SR                2) Shania Wunschel JR                                
     3) Jessica Igarashi SO             4) Mallory Spear SR                                  
   2:05.490 (2:05.490)     3:10.279 (1:04.789)       4:07.889 (57.611)                       
  8 Dubuque                                           4:16.11    4:09.46   1   1             
     1) Alison Beeman FR                2) Fabiola Ortiz SR                                  
     3) Jamie Draeger SO                4) Katrina Pagel JR                                  
   2:01.727 (2:01.727)     3:05.009 (1:03.282)     4:09.454 (1:04.446)                       
  9 Simpson (Iowa)                                    4:13.15    4:12.01   1                 
     1) Elizabeth Burgus JR             2) Katie Clark JR                                    
     3) Keeghan Corcoran JR             4) Audrey Klein SO                                   
   2:03.943 (2:03.943)     3:07.777 (1:03.834)     4:12.007 (1:04.230)                       
                        Women - Team Rankings - 22 Events Scored                             
    1) Wartburg                   212.50     2) Loras                     174.50             
    3) Nebraska Wesleyan          165.50     4) Dubuque                   133                
    5) Luther                      54        6) Central College            46                
    7) Buena Vista                 36.50     8) Coe                        29                
    9) Simpson (Iowa)               6