Licensed to Wayzata Results Inc. - Contractor License     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                      Minneapolis City Relays - 4/28/2021                      
                             Minneapolis South HS                              
Girls 1600 Meter Run Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lucy Zimmerman            10 Southwest                       5:26.78    2.50
  2 Audrey Cole               11 Southwest                       5:34.33    2.50
  3 Olivia Bergin             11 Washburn                        5:38.85    2   
  4 Alison Bode               12 Southwest                       5:46.48    2.50
  5 Mollie Kroll              11 Southwest                       5:54.00    2.50
  6 Cailin Hartney            10 Washburn                        6:03.02    2   
  7 Isabelle Giebink          11 Washburn                        6:23.41    2   
  8 Kathleen Madden           10 Washburn                        6:24.43    2   
Girls 1600 Meter Run JV
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Clare Holthusen            9 Washburn                        7:06.60  
  2 Isabelle Thomson           9 Washburn                        7:10.08  
  3 Harriet O'Brien            7 Washburn                        7:13.85  
  4 Alma Lofquist              7 Washburn                        7:18.38  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Camille Faber             10 Southwest                         18.76    3.33
  2 Holden Vincent             9 Southwest                         20.57    3.33
  3 Megan Twomey              12 Washburn                          20.88  
  4 Abigail Nolan             10 Southwest                         21.98    3.33
  5 Olivia Blomme             10 South                             22.13  
  6 Lauren Groff              11 Washburn                          22.21  
  7 Frances Cushing           10 South                             24.26  
  8 Lauren Bonner             11 Southwest                         24.33  
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Camille Faber             10 Southwest                         53.11   1   3.33
  2 Kaiva Pelecis             10 Southwest                         54.07   2   3.33
  3 Megan Twomey              12 Washburn                          55.45   1 
  4 Holden Vincent             9 Southwest                         59.33   1   3.33
  5 Lauren Groff              11 Washburn                        1:00.24   2 
  6 Olivia Blomme             10 South                           1:01.71   1   2.66
  7 Abigail Nolan             10 Southwest                       1:05.62   2 
  8 Frances Cushing           10 South                           1:06.92   2   2.66
  9 Sonora Poncek-Deluca      10 South                           1:08.26   1   2.66
 -- Miriam Ljungstrom         10 South                                DQ   2  Finished Out of lane
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Washburn                                           53.28   10   
     1) Clover Mills 10                 2) Claire Picha 10                
     3) Ella Brauer 12                  4) Hattie Anderson 7              
  2 Minneapolis Southwest                                          54.80    8   
     1) Rose Melton-Meaux 11            2) Vanessa Schaefer 9             
     3) Megan Schoenke 9                4) Ava Schaefer 12                
  3 Minneapolis North Community                                  1:00.72    6   
     1) Ajah Taylor 11                  2) Mykel Henderson 7              
     3) Nini Montjoy 12                 4) Leshelle Fleming 9             
  4 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                        1:01.94    4   
     1) Madeline Martin 8               2) Violet Mueller 8               
     3) Bela Satran 10                  4) Nevayah Chatman 10             
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
 -- Minneapolis South                                                DNS  
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis South                                            1:55.48   10   
     1) Roen Boyd 11                    2) Lillian Haltom 11              
     3) Valencia Carlson 10             4) Shanice Cox 11                 
  2 Minneapolis Southwest                                        1:57.47    8   
     1) Meredith Smith 11               2) Megan Schoenke 9               
     3) Vanessa Schaefer 9              4) Rose Melton-Meaux 11           
  3 Minneapolis Washburn                                         2:00.16    6   
     1) Greta Thoma 10                  2) Isabella Isaacman 9            
     3) Margret Meckley 9               4) Ana Grawbow-Pinto 9            
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
 -- Minneapolis Roosevelt                                            DNS  
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Washburn                                         4:24.15   10   
     1) Kate Moore 9                    2) Lillian Selberg 12             
     3) Kamille Shelton 11              4) Claire Picha 10                
  2 Minneapolis Southwest                                        4:29.17    8   
     1) Ava Schaefer 12                 2) Meredith Smith 11              
     3)                                 4) Audrey Cole 11                 
  3 Minneapolis South                                            5:09.39    6   
  4 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                        5:25.64    4   
     1) Maya Reichert-Giron 10          2) Lola Hurckman 10               
     3) Elizabeth Bures 9               4) Maria Lee 10                   
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                       10:34.56   10   
     1) Hailey Reddy 9                  2) Morgan Gaskill 11              
     3) Summer Johmson 11               4) Audrey Cole 11                 
  2 Minneapolis Washburn                                        10:40.24    8   
     1) Anna Omdal 12                   2) Audrey Cronin 12               
     3) Brynn Winter 10                 4) Chloe Garcia-Grafing 12        
  3 Minneapolis South                                           13:47.07    6   
     1) Lucille McComas 9               2) Miriam Ljungstrom 10           
     3) Ileana Harris 11                4) Sonora Poncek-Deluca 10        
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
 -- Minneapolis Roosevelt                                            DNS  
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
Girls 800 Sprint Medley
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis South                                            2:02.98   10   
     1) Roen Boyd 11                    2) Lillian Haltom 11              
     3) Shanice Cox 11                  4) Valencia Carlson 10            
  2 Minneapolis Southwest                                        2:04.62    8   
     1) Chloe LeVasseur 9               2) Kaiva Pelecis 10               
     3) Anna Van Riessen 9              4) Mia Jennings 11                
  3 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                        2:12.84    6   
     1) Violet Mueller 8                2) Bela Satran 10                 
     3) Nevayah Chatman 10              4) Maya Reichert-Giron 10         
  4 Minneapolis Washburn                                         2:13.93    4   
     1) Vada Arbeiter 11                2) Grace Askew 9                  
     3) Paige Gruenhagen 10             4) Katarina Pett 9                
  5 Minneapolis North Community                                  2:26.22    3   
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
Girls Distance Medley
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                       14:02.74   10   
     1) Mackenzie Rian 12               2) Summer Johmson 11              
     3) Alison Bode 12                  4) Isabel Wyatt 11                
  2 Minneapolis Washburn                                        14:32.74    8   
     1) Chloe Garcia-Grafing 12         2) Kate Moore 9                   
     3) Lola Yost 11                    4) Audrey Cronin 12               
  3 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                       15:43.71    6   
     1) Ruby Janzen 7                   2) Lola Hurckman 10               
     3) Elizabeth Bures 9               4) Maria Lee 10                   
  4 Minneapolis South                                           17:45.21    4   
     1) Lucille McComas 9               2) Laura Stewart 12               
     3) Ileana Harris 11                4) Sonora Poncek-Deluca 10        
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
Girls High Jump Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Meredith Smith            11 Southwest                       5-02.00    3.33
  2 Clover Mills              10 Washburn                        4-08.00    2.66
  2 Megan Schoenke             9 Southwest                       4-08.00    3.33
  4 Ella Stephan              12 Southwest                       4-06.00    3.33
  4 Megan Twomey              12 Washburn                        4-06.00    2.66
  6 Ella Brauer               12 Washburn                        4-04.00  
  6 Claire Picha              10 Washburn                        4-04.00    2.66
  8 Sahara Hinton              9 Patrick Henry                   4-00.00    4   
  9 Abigail Nolan             10 Southwest                       3-06.00  
  9 Lucille McComas            9 South                           3-06.00    2   
  9 Miriam Ljungstrom         10 South                           3-06.00    2   
  9 Frances Cushing           10 South                           3-06.00    2   
Girls Pole Vault Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lily Kania                10 South                           6-06.00    5   
  2 Josefine Hines            10 South                           5-00.00    5   
 -- Swede Kania                9 South                                NH  
Girls Long Jump Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ava Schaefer              12 Southwest                      15-07.25    3.33
  2 Lola Wucherphenning       11 Washburn                       15-05.00    2.66
  3 Hattie Anderson            7 Washburn                       15-00.75    2.66
  4 Maya Olson                10 Southwest                      14-08.75    3.33
  5 Ruby Browne               10 Southwest                      13-07.50    3.33
  6 Katherine Allenson        11 Southwest                      13-02.00  
  7 Lucille McComas            9 South                          12-10.75    2   
  8 Kennedy Robinson           7 North                          12-10.25    2   
  9 Kate McConley              8 Washburn                       12-07.25    2.66
 10 Sundara Walden             9 North                          12-06.25    2   
 11 Lillian Haltom            11 South                          12-03.50    2   
 12 Sahara Hinton              9 Patrick Henry                  12-02.50    3   
 13 Miriam Ljungstrom         10 South                          11-01.00    2   
 14 Sonora Poncek-Deluca      10 South                           8-05.50  
 -- Mykel Henderson            7 North                              FOUL  
 -- Raelyn Walker             11 North                              FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Kamille Shelton           11 Washburn                       31-10.00    3.33
  2 Ava Schaefer              12 Southwest                      30-02.25    4   
  3 Julia Angerman            11 Washburn                       29-10.25    3.33
  4 Lillian Selberg           12 Washburn                       29-03.00    3.33
  5 Ruby Browne               10 Southwest                      27-04.25    4   
  6 Roen Boyd                 11 South                          24-08.50    6   
 -- Ileana Harris             11 South                              FOUL  
 -- Lidia Meyer               11 Washburn                            DNS  
Girls Shot Put Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Laquita Jamison-Travis    11 North                          30-05.50    2   
  2 Jennycia Haynes            9 South                          27-05.00    2.66
  3 Greta Thoma               10 Washburn                       26-03.00    3.33
  4 Arianna Hawkins           11 Washburn                       25-10.50    3.33
  5 Lillian Selberg           12 Washburn                       25-05.00    3.33
  6 Abigail Blumenfeld        12 Southwest                      23-02.00    1.33
  7 Betsy Warren              11 South                          22-04.75    2.66
  8 Laura Stewart             12 South                          22-00.50    2.66
  9 Naomi Noble               10 Washburn                       21-08.00  
 10 Ayanna Melander            9 North                          20-10.00    2   
 11 Brita Lieving             12 Southwest                      19-00.00    1.33
 12 Lauren Bonner             11 Southwest                      18-07.75    1.33
 13 Ella Stephan              12 Southwest                      18-07.25  
 14 Mary Hendrickson          11 South                          18-00.00  
 15 Samaria Campbell           8 North                          14-06.00    2   
Girls Discus Throw Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lauren Holliday           12 Roosevelt                         90-01    1.50
  2 Laura Stewart             12 South                             78-09    2.66
  3 Regan Wright              10 Roosevelt                         66-06    1.50
  4 Laquita Jamison-Travis    11 North                             65-01    2   
  5 Arianna Hawkins           11 Washburn                          64-07    3.33
  6 Ayanna Melander            9 North                             64-02    2   
  7 Avery Bennett             12 Washburn                          60-03    3.33
  8 Brita Lieving             12 Southwest                         58-01    1.33
  9 Naomi Noble               10 Washburn                          57-04    3.33
 10 Abigail Blumenfeld        12 Southwest                         55-09    1.33
 11 Mary Hendrickson          11 South                             54-01    2.66
 12 Solveig Juntunen          11 Washburn                          45-11  
 13 Lauren Bonner             11 Southwest                         44-00    1.33
 13 Ella Stephan              12 Southwest                         44-00  
 15 Jennycia Haynes            9 South                             43-06    2.66
 16 Samaria Campbell           8 North                             38-10    2   
 17 Ileana Harris             11 South                             29-01  
Boys 1600 Meter Run Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Owen Lindseth             11 Southwest                       4:36.99    2.50
  2 Sam Scott                  9 Southwest                       4:37.65    2.50
  3 Aidan Jones               10 Washburn                        4:37.75    2   
  4 Sean Hartney              12 Washburn                        4:44.09    2   
  5 Jonas Haugland            12 Washburn                        4:46.19    2   
  6 Benjamin Batalden          9 Southwest                       4:50.11    2.50
  7 Nicholas Wyatt            11 Southwest                       4:51.52    2.50
  8 Grant Moreen              11 Washburn                        4:52.09    2   
  9 Emray Sundeen-Aal          9 South                           5:30.35    1.50
 10 Jason Guerra-Reyes        11 South                           5:49.91    1.50
 11 Milo Will                 10 South                           6:40.45    1.50
 12 August Wernimont           9 South                           7:33.20    1.50
Boys 1600 Meter Run JV
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Ian Lee                   11 Southwest                       5:22.42  
  2 Ethan Jacobson            10 Southwest                       5:23.70  
  3 Nate Meyer                 8 Southwest                       5:24.02  
  4 Aaron Schuller            10 Southwest                       5:25.68  
  5 Oscar Olson Gross          9 Washburn                        5:26.37  
  6 Max Ehalt                 10 Southwest                       5:28.57  
  7 Luke Hoffman               9 Southwest                       5:28.92  
  8 Wesley Sumner             10 Southwest                       5:30.01  
  9 Keane Frieling             9 Southwest                       5:32.37  
 10 Hans Hoffman              10 Southwest                       5:33.18  
 11 Aleksandro Victoria        9 Southwest                       5:37.29  
 12 Seth Hauver                9 Washburn                        5:48.80  
 13 Aidan Stensrud            10 Southwest                       5:55.01  
 14 Alexander Rowley             Washburn                        6:07.03  
 15 Jaden Lewis               11 Southwest                       6:07.05  
 16 Tobias Dush               12 Washburn                        6:14.45  
 17 Nafkot Makonnen           10 Patrick Henry                   6:20.79  
 18 Noah Vanhauwaert           8 Washburn                        6:22.16  
 19 Matt McConley              8 Washburn                        6:27.85  
 20 Owen Caputo Sullivan       8 Southwest                       6:29.77  
 21 Lyndon Hauge               9 Patrick Henry                   6:30.47  
 22 Kile Koenig               11 Southwest                       6:38.22  
 23 Avery Zimmerman            9 Patrick Henry                   6:40.93  
 24 Paul Knoth                10 Patrick Henry                   7:15.77  
 25 Romie Rhiger               9 Patrick Henry                   7:28.26  
 26 John Norvell               9 Washburn                        7:58.46  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Carter Bursinger           9 South                             21.84    3.33
  2 Teddy Lovan-Jackson       11 South                             21.87    3.33
  3 Nathaniel Odren           10 South                             22.81    3.33
  4 Gustav Dittmann           10 South                             23.10  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sharmarke Ismael          12 Washburn                          44.47  
  2 Jackson Lund              12 South                             48.94    3.33
  3 Jaggir Conway              9 Southwest                         52.17  
  4 Teddy Lovan-Jackson       11 South                             53.12    3.33
  5 Carter Bursinger           9 South                             54.50    3.33
  6 Gustav Dittmann           10 South                             54.98  
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                          45.46   10   
     1) Jayden Reed 12                  2) Declan Maida 11                
     3) Charlie Boucher 11              4) Nick Flaskamp 12               
  2 Minneapolis North Community                                    48.38    8   
     1) Jaren Sampson 11                2) Jayland Baker 10               
     3) Kesh'on Walker 12               4) Jaivon Hill 10                 
  3 Minneapolis South                                              49.29    6   
     1) Ryan Fratzke 11                 2) Carter Bursinger 9             
     3) Milo Bergen 10                  4) Adam Kelbrants 11              
  4 Minneapolis Washburn                                           51.30    4   
     1) Donnevan Okwor 9                2) Dominic Morton 8               
     3) Anders Peik 9                   4) Jackson McConley 9             
  5 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                          53.51    3   
     1) Murray Boyd 8                   2) Tate Sayaphet 11               
     3) Marlon Oviedo 11                4) Quinton Brown 11               
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNF  
     1) Romeo Lloyd 11                  2) Nijair Fisher 11               
     3) Kanye Compton 11                4) Trayvaughn Bogard-Merrick 12   
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis South                                            1:40.16   10   
     1) Adam Kelbrants 11               2) Sharrod Longs 12               
     3) Teddy Lovan-Jackson 11          4) Nathaniel Odren 10             
  2 Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                    1:41.17    8   
     1) Romeo Lloyd 11                  2) Nijair Fisher 11               
     3) Kanye Compton 11                4) Trayvaughn Bogard-Merrick 12   
  3 Minneapolis Washburn                                         1:43.84    6   
     1) Declan Dosse 9                  2) Ben Greishaber 8               
     3) Isaiah Philibert 10             4) Alexander Peik 12              
 -- Minneapolis Southwest                                             DQ   Exchange 1-2
     1) Max Milner 11                   2) Sterling Smith 10              
     3) Merik Scahefer 11               4) Nate Umhooltz 11               
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
 -- Minneapolis Roosevelt                                            DNS  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                        3:39.08   10   
     1) William Bernardt 11             2) Quentin Dean 11                
     3) Ruben Margolis 11               4) Andrew Gregerson 11            
  2 Minneapolis South                                            3:44.15    8   
     1) Jan Grzywacz 11                 2) Jackson Lund 12                
     3) Jack Carter 11                  4) Sharrod Longs 12               
  3 Minneapolis Washburn                                         3:45.71    6   
     1) John Teurman 11                 2) Jack Garcia Grafing 9          
     3) James Briscoe 12                4) Austin Hunt 12                 
  4 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                        4:30.16    4   
     1) Murray Boyd 8                   2) Marlon Oviedo 11               
     3) Quinton Brown 11                4) Will Janzen 11                 
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                        9:03.50   10   
     1) Alec Belina 10                  2) Griffin Neveau 11              
     3) Carlos Segovia 11               4) Bergen Thorson 11              
  2 Minneapolis South                                            9:27.73    8   
     1) Henry Creel 9                   2) Brennan Van Voorst 9           
     3) Emray Sundeen-Aal 9             4) Carl Christopherson 11         
  3 Minneapolis Washburn                                         9:31.59    6   
     1) Khadar Muhumed 12               2) Joeseph Rubendall 12           
     3) Joseph Mechels 11               4) Micah Lesch 10                 
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
 -- Minneapolis Roosevelt                                            DNS  
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
Boys 1600 Sprint Medley
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                        3:49.21   10   
     1) Preston Engen 11                2) Jaden Lewis 11                 
     3) Quentin Dean 11                 4) Andrew Gregerson 11            
  2 Minneapolis South                                            3:56.44    8   
     1) Jack Carter 11                  2) Sharrod Longs 12               
     3) Rio Starr 11                    4) Jan Grzywacz 11                
  3 Minneapolis Washburn                                         4:08.38    6   
     1) Vaughn Hendrix 11               2) Ben Greishaber 8               
     3) Oliver Twomey 9                 4)                                
  4 Minneapolis North Community                                  4:34.01    4   
     1) Josh Caples-Collins 12          2) Moziah Thomas 11               
     3) Caylon Redd 10                  4) Jory Peters 11                 
  5 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                        4:55.88    3   
     1) Patrick Baxter 8                2) Quinton Brown 11               
     3) Tate Sayaphet 11                4) Shane Devlin 8                 
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
Boys Distance Medley
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Minneapolis Southwest                                       11:11.40   10   
     1) Owen Lindseth 11                2) Griffin Neveau 11              
     3) Sam Scott 9                     4) Ruben Margolis 11              
  2 Minneapolis Washburn                                        12:18.52    8   
     1) Gael Manzur Strandlund 11       2) Connor Walstad 11              
     3) Evan Tromicczak 10              4) Glen Norvell 12                
  3 Minneapolis South                                           12:21.85    6   
     1) Rio Starr 11                    2) Ilyas Bouzouina 12             
     3) Carl Christopherson 11          4) Aiden Rathman 12               
  4 Minneapolis Roosevelt                                       13:48.18    4   
     1) Patrick Baxter 8                2) Marlon Oviedo 11               
     3) Shane Devlin 8                  4) Will Janzen 11                 
 -- Minneapolis Patrick Henry                                        DNS  
 -- Minneapolis North Community                                      DNS  
Boys High Jump Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jory Peters               11 North                           5-08.00    4   
  2 Declan Dosse               9 Washburn                        5-06.00    4   
  3 Jaden Lewis               11 Southwest                       5-02.00    3.33
  3 Jaggir Conway              9 Southwest                       5-02.00    3.33
  5 Caylon Redd               10 North                           5-00.00    4   
  5 Griffin Neveau            11 Southwest                       5-00.00    3.33
  5 Jan Grzywacz              11 South                           5-00.00    3   
  8 Gustav Dittmann           10 South                           4-06.00    3   
  8 Eli Kroll                  9 Southwest                       4-06.00  
 -- Jalen Beard                9 North                                NH  
 -- Josh Caples-Collins       12 North                                NH  
 -- Jack Carter               11 South                                NH  
 -- Carter Bursinger           9 South                                NH  
Boys Pole Vault Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Evan Decker                9 Washburn                        7-00.00   10   
Boys Long Jump Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nick Flaskamp             12 Southwest                      21-00.75    3.33
  2 Kadir Diop                12 South                          19-07.00    1.33
  3 William Bernardt          11 Southwest                      19-03.75    3.33
  4 Austin Hunt               12 Washburn                       19-00.00    2.66
  5 Jory Peters               11 North                          18-07.50    2   
  6 Davon Townley, Jr         12 North                          17-11.50    2   
  7 Jayden Reed               12 Southwest                      17-11.00    3.33
  8 Isaiah Philibert          10 Washburn                       17-10.50    2.66
  9 Romeo Lloyd               11 Patrick Henry                  17-08.50    3   
 10 Jaggir Conway              9 Southwest                      17-01.75  
 11 Brennan Van Voorst         9 South                          16-05.75    1.33
 12 James Briscoe             12 Washburn                       16-05.50    2.66
 13 Aiden Rathman             12 South                          15-07.25    1.33
 14 Caylon Redd               10 North                          15-04.50    2   
 15 Jalen Beard                9 North                          14-10.00  
 16 Henry Creel                9 South                          13-10.00  
 -- Jack Garcia Grafing        9 Washburn                            DNS  
Boys Triple Jump Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 William Bernardt          11 Southwest                      35-03.00    4   
  2 Jayden Reed               12 Southwest                      34-11.00    4   
  3 James Briscoe             12 Washburn                       34-09.75    6   
  4 Ryan Fratzke              11 South                          32-11.00    3.33
  5 Kenneth Goroztieta        11 South                          32-05.75    3.33
  6 Jackson Lund              12 South                          27-02.00    3.33
  7 August Wernimont           9 South                          23-00.00  
 -- Jaggir Conway              9 Southwest                           DNS  
Boys Shot Put Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Landon Ramos              11 Southwest                      38-05.00    3.33
  2 Benjamin Kattreh-Kuritz   11 Southwest                      37-08.00    3.33
  3 Nick Flaskamp             12 Southwest                      37-05.25    3.33
  4 Kahlil Brown               9 North                          36-01.00    2.66
  5 Brayden Engrav            11 Southwest                      35-02.75  
  6 Cassius Whipple-Garnett   11 South                          32-06.50    2   
  7 Kameron Clay              10 North                          32-05.50    2.66
  8 Jack Auginash             12 Patrick Henry                  31-03.00    1.50
  9 Leo Dush                   9 Washburn                       30-11.00    1.33
 10 Anthony Harrell            9 North                          29-00.50    2.66
 11 James Lilja                9 Washburn                       28-11.50    1.33
 12 Desmond Garcia            10 South                          27-04.00    2   
 13 Gabe Lutte-Gardella       10 South                          26-04.00    2   
 14 Auerilius Whipple-Garnet  11 South                          25-03.50  
 15 Markese Seaborn            9 Patrick Henry                  24-01.50    1.50
 16 John Cota                 10 Washburn                       23-10.50    1.33
 17 Elijah Campbell            9 North                          21-04.00  
 -- Koffi Koudaya             11 Washburn                            DNS  
Boys Discus Throw Relay
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Charlie Boucher           11 Southwest                         95-11    3.33
  2 Landon Ramos              11 Southwest                         94-04    3.33
  3 Pierce Dols                9 Washburn                          91-00    2.66
  4 Nate Umhooltz             11 Southwest                         88-09    3.33
  5 James Lilja                9 Washburn                          79-08    2.66
  6 Logan Gunaca               9 Southwest                         74-01  
  7 Cassius Whipple-Garnett   11 South                             73-01    2   
  8 Auerilius Whipple-Garnet  11 South                             71-06    2   
  9 Leo Dush                   9 Washburn                          70-00    2.66
 10 John Cota                 10 Washburn                          69-07  
 11 Davon Townley, Jr         12 North                             67-08    1.33
 12 Dontavius Kanatzer        10 North                             64-05    1.33
 13 Patrick Baxter             8 Roosevelt                         63-05    3   
 14 Elijah Campbell            9 North                             59-03    1.33
 15 Desmond Garcia            10 South                             57-10    2   
 16 Andres Mata               11 South                             48-11  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Minneapolis Southwest      118        2) Minneapolis Washburn      100   
    3) Minneapolis South           88        4) Minneapolis North Communi  25   
    5) Minneapolis Roosevelt       23        6) Minneapolis Patrick Henry   7   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Minneapolis Southwest      108        2) Minneapolis South         104   
    3) Minneapolis Washburn        84        4) Minneapolis North Communi  38   
    5) Minneapolis Roosevelt       17        6) Minneapolis Patrick Henry  14